ST SAVIOUR’S BRIDGE 1851 Ottery St. Mary, Devon HEW 947 SY 094 951 {N50o 44' 56.9" W30 17' 6.5"}

This single arched span of 83 feet carries the road across the River Otter. There has been a bridge on this site since 1355 and this present one is the companion of six others in masonry and brick by James Green. The method of construction by Joseph Butler and Company is that of a cast iron tray supported by the arch which carries the roadbed. The bridge has a gothic theme, with open, bold gothic arches in the spandrels contrasting with the crispness of the closely spaced uprights of the railings. The bold masonry abutments anchor the open ironwork visually. The bridge was sensitively widened and strengthened with a reinforced concrete deck in 1992.