CLARE BRIDGE 1813 Suffolk HEW 1689 TL767 449 N52o 5' 56.8" E0o 49' 17.1"

A cast iron bridge over an abandoned canal off-shoot of the River Stour. William Cubitt had recently designed an iron bridge at Brent Eleigh. This bridge has three semi-elliptical spans of 11, 13’6” and 11’ respectively but uses the same design pattern as the single span bridge at Brent Eleigh. The seven cast-iron rib are tied at the crown with through-bolts and the center of the spandrels. On the west side there is an extra arch and supporting pier to accommodate a flared widening of the north half of the bridge on that side.

To find the bridge, follow the signs to the city park and priory. Leave your car in the lot opposite the antique store and walk across a new footbridge to the tow path and turn right. A few minutes' walk will take you to the bridge.