BRENT ELEIGH BRIDGE Suffolk 1813 HEW 1642 TL934 483 N52o 5' 56.8" E0o 49' 17.1"
William Cubitt was trained as a millwright in Horning, Norfolk and after a distinguished career as a civil engineer, he became President of the Institution of Civil Engineers and earned a knighthood. This was the first road bridge he built to carry the road from Hadleigh to Bury St. Edmunds over the River Brett about a half mile west of Brent Eleigh. It is a cast iron 13 foot span with a semi-elliptical arch with seven ribs bolted to a lateral rib at the crown and through bolts are attached at the middle of the spandrels. Cast iron bearing plates tie the ribs to the brick abutments. The road was widened in 1953 and anew bridge built leaving the old bridge in place to one side.
Cubitt built two other bridges of similar style the same year at Clare, Suffolk and at Witham, Essex . To find the bridge, turn out of Lavenham on the road to Brent Eleigh opposite the bus stop shelter. BEFORE you get to Brent Eleigh look for a white iron railing on both sides of the road. That is the new bridge: the old bridge is beside it hidden by a thicket of weed trees and brambles.