COUND ARBOUR BRIDGE 1797 HEW 423 SJ555 053 N52o 38’ 34.3” W2o 43’ 2.4”

This is the oldest cast iron bridge still in daily use. Anthony Blackwell (Bridges of Shropshire p.50) says that it was built by local subscription and possibly built by John Dodson. The mid-span plate says it was cast at Coalbrookdale in 1797. It crosses the Cound Brook in close proximity to two other cast iron bridges of its generation: Cantlop Bridge and Boreton Bridge.

Its single shallow arch of three cast iron ribs spans 36 feet. The spandrels are solid but the lower edges are decorated with pierced iron circles descending in size towards the center. In 1920 and in 1931 it was provided with a concrete roadbed and then with concrete abutments.