WATER STREET RR BRIDGE 1848 Manchester HEW 753 SJ 829 979 N 52o 47' 30.2 W2o 1' 45.3"

Water St RR Bridge sideview

This cast iron bridge designed by George Stevenson with a six rib archs which were cast in three pieces and then bolted together at the butted ends. The ribs are dumb-bell shape in section almost seven inches wide and just over two feet in depth at the abutment thinning to just under two feet at the crown. The spandrels are in the X pattern, cruciform in section, and the parapets are "paneled" and decorated cast iron parapets. Cast iron floor plates carry the two tracks and sleepers of the Manchester South Junction and Altrincham RR across Water Street. It spans 50 feet at a slight angle.

Water Street RR Bridge

You will find this bridge at the junction of Liverpool Road and Water Street beside the Victoria Railroad Station in the heart of Manchester.