CHEPSTOW BRIDGE 1816 Monmouthsh. HEW 145 ST536 943 {N51o 38’ 44” W2o 40’ 15.9”}
This early bridge of cast iron still carries the A48 traffic across the River Wye under the ramparts of Chepstow Castle albeit in alternating directions of one lane. It was designed by J.U. Rastrick and cast by William Hazledine. Of the five arches, the center span is 112 feet flanked by spans of 70’ and then 34’ on either side of it. It has a very striking grid pattern on the spandrels reminiscent of Telford’s design for his Cantlop, Cound II, and Meole Brace bridges of a few years earlier. They have the optical illusion of being contoured (but actually are flat in profile) which gives the bridge a bold, vigorous aspect. It has been strengthened and upgraded over the years, most recently in 1979-80.