SOAR LANE RR BRIDGE 1831-33 Robert Stephenson Leicester HEW1745 SK579 045 to SK 417 167 N52o 38' 18.3" W1o 8' 41.8"
George Stephenson advised the backers on the route and recommended standard gauge for the proposed 16 mile long Leicester and Swannington RR line which included a mile long tunnel and two inclines. His son Robert was the engineer. This bridge has two spans, each with a shallow elliptical arch which rest in the middle of the river on a masonry pier. It has a classic Regency design with simple balustrade and “gothic” open circle detail in the spandrels. It is now a road bridge in an industrial area over a canal.
To find it, take A50 to City Centre and when you cross a water way, take the second hard right which is Soar Lane, but not marked for that direction. (The right hand street on an angle is Grand Central).